
Our Duress™ Operations Centre monitor all activated emergencies and are authorised to contact emergency services on your behalf. As an A1 graded monitoring centre, our regularly trained operators follow a strict emergency escalation protocol.


Operations Centre

During an emergency, the Duress™ Operations Centre (DOC) will begin monitoring your live video and audio. Duress™ Operators, who are trained and authorised to escalate activations, use the video and location data to determine the escalation protocol required.

The assigned operator will monitor the activation for signs of verbal or physical abuse, threats, violence, weapons, duress or harm toward the user. The operator will monitor the activation for as long as is required to determine if the activation needs to be escalated to emergency services. The operator can switch between the front and rear cameras and microphones on the device to establish a clear indication of the activation.



Emergency Escalation

After the operators have assessed the situation, there are 3 options for the operator to select:

  1. The activation does not require escalation - From the video and audio the operator can see that the user is safe and has activated their alarm accidentally. They will call the user to confirm they are safe and then close the activation.
  2. The activation is unclear - From the video and audio, the operator is unable to determine what escalation is required. They will continue to monitor the activation until more information is acquired. If the operator feels it is safe, they may call the user to provide more information. Once they have more information they will escalate to either (1) or (3).
  3. The activation requires escalation - From the video and audio, the operator can see that the activation requires immediate escalation to emergency services. They will contact the relevant emergency service immediately and provide live location data (updated every 5 seconds) and a description of what is occurring on the live video footage. They will also pass on profile data of the user, and the contact number of the DOC in case emergency services needs any further information.
    Once emergency services have arrived at the user's location, the user can be seen to be safe, or the user states via the video, audio or a phone call that they are safe, the operator will close the monitoring.

If you are in an emergency situation, the operators will not call you. Especially if there is an aggressor in the situation, calling you might jeopardise your safety. In that instance, our operators will call emergency services immediately.

Did you know that the Duress™ Operations Centre is A1 ASIAL graded?

The Australian Security Industry Association have quality standards a Monitoring Centre must fulfil (e.g. operator training, power supply arrangements, communications, record-keeping, safety measures) and Monitoring Centres are independently audited on a regular basis.

The Duress™ Operations Centre holds the highest level of standard that is available (A1) which means that we are given a priority and direct line to emergency services making it quicker for you to receive the help you need.

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