
Safety reviews are an easy, automated and free way to keep your team safe.


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Location Updates

When you check-out of a location, you may receive a notification that asks you if the location was safe (๐Ÿ‘) or unsafe (๐Ÿ‘Ž).

If you say it was unsafe, you can leave a comment about the safety issue you encountered. (E.g. big dog in the yard, knives in the kitchen, etc.)

This information is also displayed to the next person visiting that location, and appears on their screen as soon as they arrive.

Administrators have the option to review these comments before they get displayed to the team.


Safety Rankings

Whenever you press ๐Ÿ‘ or ๐Ÿ‘Ž on a location, we collect that data and create a safety score for each location. This safety score is a score out of 10 - the higher the number, the safer your team thinks this location is. This way you receive a safety ranking out of the collected data from your team members and know which locations to approach with caution.


Location Management

As a team or organisation administrator, you can manage your team's location settings in the admin dashboard.

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