Duress™ Bluetooth Card allows you to discretely request emergency services as well as stream live video, audio and location, all with the tap of a button.
Activating an Emergency
Your Bluetooth Card uses Low-Energy Bluetooth technology to send out signals and has a range of 10 metres. This means that once it's switched on, it sends out signals in 15 second intervals to the receiving device (in this case that's your phone) if it is range.
Once you activate the card, the next signal it sends out to your phone is a positive signal, which causes the Duress™ App to go into emergency mode. This also means, that there may be a delay of up to 15 seconds for your Duress™ App to be triggered and start the emergency countdown.
Before you can start using your Duress™ Card, it needs to be paired to your mobile device. Click here to find instructions on how to pair your card first.
1 -Click the Duress™ Card twice.
The clicks need to be quite quick, similar to the speed of a double click on a computer mouse.
2 - Emergency Activated
Once a double click has been detected, a 10 second countdown will start on your phone and an emergency will be declared.
Your team admins will be notified as well, if they are set up as SMS contacts.
3 - Tap Cancel Emergency
Cancel the emergency if you no longer need help. Otherwise, let the emergency continue if you need assistance from our operators or emergency services.
What actually happens during an Emergency? Read this article to find out more.
Resetting your Card
After you cancel an emergency, you need to wait 30 seconds before declaring another emergency.
This waiting period is in place to give your Duress™ Bluetooth Card time to reset.
Activating an emergency with your Bluetooth Card will always overwrite Test Mode and trigger a real emergency.
iPhone requirements
Due to built-in security measures put in place by Apple, iPhone users need to have the Duress™ App running in the background for the Bluetooth Card to activate Emergencies.
Once the Duress™ App is running in the background of your iPhone, all alerts can be sent with your card; even when your phone is locked.
You can declare emergencies with you Duress™ Card when your phone is locked and it will stream your live location and audio feed to the 24/7 Operations Centre. However, you will need to unlock your iPhone for the Duress™ App to be able to access your camera to stream video footage to our Operators.
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